Wednesday, June 25, 2008


thanks em for letting me barrow your cd!! but i have some bad news.....tom stepped on it.....sorry.... JK i know you'd kill me, so i guarded it with my life. speaking of tom, i have to buy him some new soda, because i wasn't paying attention when he was opening his father's day presents and i didn't know he got that soda, and it was only his, and i accidently gave some to my friends... so ya i'm going to go buy him 3 new cans of fresca. i SWEAR that no one said it wasn't for us to drink though!!!

song i'm listening to right now: pocketful of sunshine :P

so i'm trying to find a chore to do, but there aren't any left really! we (me and hannah) have to do a chore everyday, but i kinda ran out of them, so now what do i do?! well there's always weeding :-/ but that sucks!!

k i just watched the weirdest amine ever. i did it for ham, because i promised him i would. but man that was so weird!! there's no other way to discribe it. other thatn random! giant robots came out if this boy's head, and had an epic battle on a bridge, untill a crazy vespa girl comes riding up at full speed and pulls out her guitar which she revs and it soulds like a chainsaw. then she proceeds to beat the robots with the guitar. so weird!!


Emily said...

It wasn't Fresca that was Tom's - it was the Green Apple soda!
I'm sure that Mom can always think of a chore for you guys to do - no worries there.
I've worked out a deal with Hannah that I will pay her in driving her places. If you want to do this too, let me know. :)

Caroline said...

SA-WEET SAUCE!!! i'm off the hook!! woo hoo!! in ur face tom! now he should pologize for gettimg all mad at me and stuff.