Wednesday, November 19, 2008


ya so Hannah victimized(?) me so here it is!
1. I wish I had better studying habits (i should be doing homework right now, namely my DBQ)
2. I wish those cookies that Emily is making right now were already done, and in my hand
3. I wish i had super powers, like shape shifting, or being able to read minds, or flying, or being able to curl, wave, straighten, dry, etc, my hair in under five min
4. I wish i wasn't the lead singer (if only i COULD sing, too bad I'm out of wishes) in a band, with really cute guys (a band that's actually good)

1. Seoul
2. Greece
3. Alaska
4. London

1. Song writer
2. Musician
3. Cosmetologist
4. Entrepreneur (preferably a bookstore, or salon)

1. anyone
2. who's
3. read
4. this (Hannah basically took all the ppl i know... sadly...)

people mag published their list of the sexiest men alive, and i think some of these ppl are a little disappointing... come on! well it's just my opinion, but look at number 12! (there are 16 in all)

how on earth could he beat Robert pattinson who got 13?? he is so gorgeous

"Last year all I was trying to do was get a girlfriend," says Pattinson, 22, Twilight's resident vampire and previously Harry Potter's Quidditch foil, Cedric. "What happened? It's like the face of what is attractive has changed. Girls used to want to see guys take their shirts off. Now it's, 'I want you to bite me.' It's bizarre."

bite ME!!!
OK ya I'm a crazy fool, i have a lot of pics of him, but there are some pictures out there that are absolutely horrible of him, like when he was on the cover or entertainment weekly (UGH totally sick!) but most of them i think are just delirious.

if you want to see the rest of the sexiest men alive, see this link:,,20237714_20241212_20545195,00.html


vern said...

hahahha yo uare soo hilarious!!!!! and that is a way totally better picture of cedric / edward thatn the ones that ive seen!! hey i like what yo udid with your hair toady nice way to listen to camilas advice hahah hey what did yo uget on the world history test i got a 25% hahahahah stupid class

Hannah said...

uh i don't know that i like that one as much..... i like THIS one:

or THIS one.... sorta. i really like how he does his hair:

Hannah said...

but this one is pretty funny...

Hannah said...

get a new poll already