Friday, December 26, 2008

wishfull thinking *sigh*

-buy a concert grand steinway piano, (probably even more expensive than the one i played today at riverton, for $20,000 *sigh* it was the most amazing thing ever

-get horses and a stable, with stable hands (hey i like horses, but i don't want to be the one picking up the poop, and hey if i'm rich it's all good)

-BEACH HOUSE in the keys, yes :D that would be so awesome.

-get an austin martin vanquish, you know i've always been in favor of the black ones, but this white one is pretty hot

hmmm the pictures are a tid messed up.. and i'm too lazy to fix it, if you want to see the rest of the picture, right click on it and open it in a new tab

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

omg, i'm in love

i was in fashion place mall shopping for Christmas, when we were all tired and almost done, just getting to the hall where the exit was, when i was stopped by a woman selling hair curlers and straighteners, and she wanted to try out her product on my hair (perfect for her, long and pin straight, it would be easy to curl, but i had my doubts). Mom was at the end of her rope and said no thanks though, and we walked on, but after some begging, i got her to let me go back and try it (you have FIVE MINUETS) (i absolutely LOVE it when ppl touch my hair, it's heavenly. i seriously used to have trouble staying awake getting my haircut when i was younger, i got so comfortable) the woman asked me if i ever curl my hair and i said i tried, but it never stays in, but she was confident this would work. and lo and behold it did!! It took the shortest time imaginable, and instantly i was hooked!! even that night i dreamed about it lol, i dreamed i had one and when i woke up the next morning i was sure i HAD to have it. so wel looked on ebay (i wasn't the only one who wanted it) and we got one and it came today! (we got the pink one :P there is a full spectrum of colors) i'm so excited to try it you have no idea. anyway, my older sister emily was in the mall in laton by her new house, when she saw it too, and had her hair curled. she is just as hooked as me! it's crazy!!

Monday, December 22, 2008

uh-oh, what have we done....

well in church yesterday it was me, mom, ham, and Hannah sitting there, and when we were singing, me soprano, Hannah alto and ham somewhere between baritone and bass, my mom though it was really good or something... so she was like 'when we get home I'd like to pull out that song again (angels we have heard on high)and sing it again'. uh-oh.... then we sang 'silent night' and mom started digging through the music guessed it...'candle light carol'.... she couldn't find it anywhere though, and consented to order six new copies online, hoping to rope Emily and rj back into it. mom was full on crying when we were singing, and tom just didn't care. he wouldn't sing with though. too bad. well he only sings in the shower (funniest thing ever, but that's another story). so when we were delivering homemade backed goods to our friends and neighbors in the 'hood, mom had me and Hannah sing a carol for them. she was all like "guess what we just found today!! hahaha" like she's never heard me sing before *rolls eyes* anyway it's not THAT good. it's not like we're the next Osmond's or whatever.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

funny story

we had secret sisters to get presents for in cheer, and we gave our gifts to each other today. and we had a party. mmmmm it was delicious. people brought waffle makers and griddles for pancakes, and whip cream and chocolate chips and juice and chocolate mild and it was so good!! the best breakfast ever. so back to the presents. when it was jessica's turn to give her gift, she brought out a hot pink victiria's secret bag, and handed it to her secret sister, and right at that moment matt jolley walked in to give the teacher a note. everyone started laughing really hard, and at first he wasn't sure what we were laughing at, then he saw the bag and he was like uh.... and started edging towards the door. everyone was like 'OPEN IT!' so she did and pulled out a lacey pink thong and matt jolley was like "uh i gotta go!" and he ran out. then he had to come back to collect the food donations, and he was all cautious to come in. he inched in untill someone assured him there was nothing else like the thong, so he relaxed. it was funny though!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

epic conversations with my piano teacher

me and hannah usually split an hour and a half chunk of private lessons with our piano teacher, megan (amazing!)but this week it was just me, so i had a looong lesson, and we spent alot of it talking about really really random stuff. the likes of which i have never had a conversation about before.

we talked about the office (she gave me a detailed sinopsis of last week's show. i mean DETAILED)

then we talked about how i had the music for the office theme, and other random themes like that and how everyone loves stuff like that and we started talking about video games, like zelda (*siiiigh*) and mario

then while we were talking about that she brought me a peice of her mom's home made (still warm *drool*) bread with honey. it was to DIE FOR. then i said something about how at least it's healthy AND delicious. and i started telling her what my staple foods would be if nutrition wasn't an issue

and those foods would be cheese and top ramen (any flavor but shrimp *shudder*) ya totally random. then she was like i know!@! isn't ramen the best!? i know they say it has no nutritiional value but i refuse to believe it!!!

we must be kindred spirits!!!!!!!!!

so ya, we talked about top ramen for seriously 20 min or something. then i noticed how ridiclious it was when we both started breaking the step by step process of how we each prepair it and the top ram vs. cup of noodles

it was seriously epic though.... and seriously getting out of hand....

i wonder about my sanity now

i can just see myself seeing a head shrink "doctor i have an obsessive problem with top ramen" or sitting in a circle with people "hi i'm caroline and i have a problem with ramen" "hi caroline"

also when i told tom about the epic conversations i had with megan, he got all mad at me, for using the word 'epic'. i was like

c:i had some epic conversations with megan to--
t:do you even know what epic means
c:yes, it's a long poem/story like beowulf or the oddesy... anyway *and i proceeded to tell him about eh conversations*
t: you can't use epic like that
c: it's the slang meaning; you know, awesome, legendary kind of
t: *angry silence*

it's like that one time a few years ago when i was telling him about some piano music i was playing:

c: anyway so this one song is so awesome!
t: i don't use the word 'song' to describe piano music
c:...then what do you say?
t: peice, SONG implies that there are words being sung
c: well, sorry... (jeez! i was like a sixth grader! why so snappy!?)

Thursday, December 4, 2008

well now that i have tendonitus, i have to wear this really awkward brace on my arm for a week. and it makes it very hard to write or type or play piano. here's what my handwriting looks like now... for those of you who have seen kung fu panda, "there is now a level zero"

but believe it or not, that's when it's goood. over here you see when i'm falling asleep while writing. you can see how the pen decides to leave in the middle of the word, at the bottom, then i continue writing after a sec or something.

and here's more writing while asleep.