Thursday, December 11, 2008

epic conversations with my piano teacher

me and hannah usually split an hour and a half chunk of private lessons with our piano teacher, megan (amazing!)but this week it was just me, so i had a looong lesson, and we spent alot of it talking about really really random stuff. the likes of which i have never had a conversation about before.

we talked about the office (she gave me a detailed sinopsis of last week's show. i mean DETAILED)

then we talked about how i had the music for the office theme, and other random themes like that and how everyone loves stuff like that and we started talking about video games, like zelda (*siiiigh*) and mario

then while we were talking about that she brought me a peice of her mom's home made (still warm *drool*) bread with honey. it was to DIE FOR. then i said something about how at least it's healthy AND delicious. and i started telling her what my staple foods would be if nutrition wasn't an issue

and those foods would be cheese and top ramen (any flavor but shrimp *shudder*) ya totally random. then she was like i know!@! isn't ramen the best!? i know they say it has no nutritiional value but i refuse to believe it!!!

we must be kindred spirits!!!!!!!!!

so ya, we talked about top ramen for seriously 20 min or something. then i noticed how ridiclious it was when we both started breaking the step by step process of how we each prepair it and the top ram vs. cup of noodles

it was seriously epic though.... and seriously getting out of hand....

i wonder about my sanity now

i can just see myself seeing a head shrink "doctor i have an obsessive problem with top ramen" or sitting in a circle with people "hi i'm caroline and i have a problem with ramen" "hi caroline"

also when i told tom about the epic conversations i had with megan, he got all mad at me, for using the word 'epic'. i was like

c:i had some epic conversations with megan to--
t:do you even know what epic means
c:yes, it's a long poem/story like beowulf or the oddesy... anyway *and i proceeded to tell him about eh conversations*
t: you can't use epic like that
c: it's the slang meaning; you know, awesome, legendary kind of
t: *angry silence*

it's like that one time a few years ago when i was telling him about some piano music i was playing:

c: anyway so this one song is so awesome!
t: i don't use the word 'song' to describe piano music
c:...then what do you say?
t: peice, SONG implies that there are words being sung
c: well, sorry... (jeez! i was like a sixth grader! why so snappy!?)


Emily said...

Tom is Mr. Snappy McPissypants sometimes, ain't he? It's entertaining though. Just think - he wants you to be well-edumacated.

Caroline said...

lol how much trouble do you think i would get in if i called him that? i have a feeling whatever it would be it would be worth it

vern said...

HAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHA we when go back to school im totally using the word "epic" for like everything ok! :) who cares about tom...........................question: why do you call him tom? and not dad? or does he want to be called tom? or do you not want to call him dad?

Caroline said...

haha it would be way too confusing with my real dad and idk it's just what we've always called him? *shrug* he's never had kids before, so mayeb it would weird him out if i called him that. he only likes to get tom, and sometimes thomas by my mom. once when i first met him (i was like in 1st grade) i called him tommy, boy did he freak out. i was scared for my life. and we tried to give him the nickname "the hoff" once, that was shot down. 'tom' it is

vern said...

oh... tahts cool hahah tommy nice name