Thursday, December 4, 2008

well now that i have tendonitus, i have to wear this really awkward brace on my arm for a week. and it makes it very hard to write or type or play piano. here's what my handwriting looks like now... for those of you who have seen kung fu panda, "there is now a level zero"

but believe it or not, that's when it's goood. over here you see when i'm falling asleep while writing. you can see how the pen decides to leave in the middle of the word, at the bottom, then i continue writing after a sec or something.

and here's more writing while asleep.


Emily said...

First off - how the crap did you get tendonitis??
And secondly, why are you writing all that freaky stuff about terrorists?! Am I going to have to notify someone?

Caroline said...

hahaha it was some notes i was taking on the islam empire, the earlie hundreds C.E. (it's the all new, politically correct 'A.D.') and i got it from over use, from cheer. stunting, to be more specific

Anonymous said...

haha and i thought my hadnwritings were bad

Caroline said...

hey! it's not my normal handwriting! my normal handwriting is MUCH better buddie

Caroline said...
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vern said...

don lie carrie you know that your handwriting is worse thatn this haha jk

Caroline said...