Wednesday, January 7, 2009

gah here we go again

so after a month or so of letting my wrist heal, i decide to risk using it again for stunting... bad idea. it never really did heal all the way, but it got to a point where i was sure it wasn't getting any better, so i just decided maybe it would just need to be used again to be fully healed. so i tried it out yesterday. ya, it started hurting around 5 and got steadily worse till now i'm wearing the brace again. gah! it means i can't play piano, and typing this is taking forever. i really think i just have a weak wrist now, like forever. abbie suggested i see a physical theripist, cause she has a shoulder like that. it would be nice to do that. but i don't think i can be a base anymore for cheer. and i can't be backspot either, cause i'm too short, and that would KILL my wrist *shudder*. the only option left is to either be a flyer, or not stunt at all. *sigh* i love stunting!! i don't want to give it up!! but i know the flyer in my stunt group (she's kinda like sharon, for those of you who know her. ugh) would never give up her position, because she thinks it gives her power over us and makes her in charge. ugh! and she's actually a pretty good base too! it would be so simple if we just switched places! we actually use her as a base soemtimes. i want to go talk to the teacher and ask her what she would think, but i feel like people are going to say to me "oh just go get it looked at again, i'm sure it's nothing. you're faking it." and my flyer will start again with her "oh i have back problems *cough* so i can't really be a bace" BULL!! EVERYONE HAS SEEN YOU BASE MANY TIMES. what should i do?


Anonymous said...

my advice is to follow your heart?:)

Caroline said...