Tuesday, January 6, 2009

so, ok idk what to title this yet, cause i don't even know what i'm going to write about!

what I'm listening to right now: 'love fool' by the cardigans

song I'm going to listen to next: 'grace Kelly' by Mika

things I'm wondering right now: who is grace Kelly anyway? is there any man in the world who's voice is higher than Mika's? what is he? a 1st soprano? why is my AP world history teacher's mouth so big?? seriously! i saw him yawn, and i think he must be related to Kirby... scary... and what the heck does julyed mean?? Emily you are weird!! how is that Mexican???

things I'm dreading: tomorrow. it's a b day. ugh i hate them. AP world history sucks.

books I'm reading: a curse as dark as gold

songs I'm going to learn on the piano: 'landed' by Ben folds 'mad world' by gray jules, i already mastered Bella's lullaby

random words I'm going to use on conversation some time, i swear verisimilitude... that's all. gah i'm so bored. what am i doing this for?


Emily said...

July to me! Julyer!!

Caroline said...

LOL!!!!!!! now i get it!!