Monday, May 3, 2010

BREAKING NEWS! I understood chemistry!

Yes folks! I CAROLINE understood what Ms. Mayall was talking about in class today. It's a miracle. We were talking about radioactivity, and radioactive particles, and for some odd reason, I was able to grasp what she was talking about! I'm in awe of my new found knowledge, and wonder why i could never understand anything else she said this whole year, although I assure you I tried my hardest. It feels so good! It's probably because I got a blessing yesterday that said if I tried my hardest, I would understand. I don't know.

Also, i think Ms. Mayall got engaged :) her ring is gorgeous.

Also! i got 75% on my last test, which is GOOD! much better than the last one where i got 64%. it's a lot better than i expected :) which means that what i did write down was right, because I left a quarter of on the pages blank haha.

And now for a list of the most random words i can think of:

  1. squeegee
  2. liquorice
  3. rice
  4. plumb
  5. Snapple
  6. squelch
  7. napkin
  8. liposuction
  9. liquid paper
  10. suitcase
  11. beer stein
  12. miffed
  13. vase
  14. dictionary
  15. Nicaragua
  16. brighten
  17. bloody
  18. plate
  19. American cheese
  20. die!
  21. Indian
  22. sonicare
  23. box
  24. wood
  25. leftovers
  26. photos
  27. Greece
  28. grease
  29. raisins
  30. chocolate covered ants
  31. dust rag
  32. cat fur
  33. choking
  34. sneeze
  35. squash
  36. USB port
  37. Dijon mustard
  38. voodoo!
  39. David Bowie
  40. casket

alas i must go to sleep now, or else face the wrath of a very angry platinum-blonde, or a grumpy bearded man :-P Better Post Next Time!

ps. what's the best random word?

ALSO!! I just took my math placement test for College Algebra-Calc or College Calc-Trig. It was interesting, the first part, just algebra, was SO easy. AND there were only 12 questions; But as I got into the second section, people were leaving, at an alarming rate, already finished. I thought to myself "why is it taking me so long? do i just suck at life??" until there were me and two other people left. The three of us kept on testing for another hour after everyone else was gone! I was really worried that I was just behind everything, and the questions were tough.... I started becoming more and more worried, and thinking i must really be HORRIBLE at math, and maybe they'll drop be from the class because my skill level is so slow. I mean COME ON I've been here for an extra HOUR. Not ten min, or even 15. I kept thinking, "DANG I should've paid more attention to Jaron when he explains math to me!!!! He would TOTALLY know how to do all this stuff!" Finally, when I finished, I took my score up to the teacher, and she must've seen the disappointment on my face, so she explained to me:

I wasn't slow! I just tested into the higher math class! Calc-Trig! If you test into the higher class, it gives you triple the questions! *WHEEW* I don't suck at life. But it surprised me that there were only three of us....


Hannah said...

Maybe you guys could actually STUDY instead of mack-ing out on the couch in the basement. I don't even like to SIT there anymore.

Caroline said...

um. i don't even know what to say to that. i just hope mom doesn't read this haha. she'll take it seriously, and ban jaron from the house. no joke.

Jaron said...

Haha! Hannah, you are silly! Also, if I was ever taking a really hard test and everyone started walking out WAY early, then I'd assume that they gave up and turned it in nearly blank. Haha! Yeah. Pretty sure no one will ever find me mack-ing ANYWHERE. =) That would just make me feel WAY awkward. Saving all my kisses for marriage; even just little pecks.

Hannah said...

Talk about OVERINFLATED SELFESTEEM, JARON. Gosh. Of course you would know that it was all THEIR fault and THEY were walking out early.

Haha. Jk. Maybe it's because you actually study instead of snog.

And.......... nvm.

Jaron said...

Actually, to tell the truth, I'm always the last one testing even in really simple tests. But mainly, I just don't really care. And thus I walk away pretty happy... Or I think that's how it works for me. Most likely...

Caroline said...

most likely? what's that supposed to mean? but that does make me feel a ton better. i felt WAY slow. like even slower than the other "slow" kids. and i'm usually a quick person; get in, get to work, get out. it was unnerving