it's been a while sence i've posted, and i'm trying to think of things to write,
i went to walmart with erica mom and tom and erica yesterday to shop for cheer. oh! they had the funniest stuffed animals!! they were so awesome! i want one. i can't type out how they sound exactly. it's like "moo *snore* moo *snore* moo *snort snore* MOOooOOoo!!" and there are like 6 different animals that do that. the cow and sheep were the funniest though. i wanted to get one as a secret sister gift, but the gift had to be under $10. and they were $14.
oooo not good. i just heard a crash upstairs. i think hannah broke the cat food bowl.......yup. she better clean that up before she get's cut. or any of the animals! or me!
check out my favorite quotes on the side bar! a new quote every time you come to the page.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
it's been a while
Posted by Caroline at 7:44 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
thanks em for letting me barrow your cd!! but i have some bad news.....tom stepped on it.....sorry.... JK i know you'd kill me, so i guarded it with my life. speaking of tom, i have to buy him some new soda, because i wasn't paying attention when he was opening his father's day presents and i didn't know he got that soda, and it was only his, and i accidently gave some to my friends... so ya i'm going to go buy him 3 new cans of fresca. i SWEAR that no one said it wasn't for us to drink though!!!
song i'm listening to right now: pocketful of sunshine :P
so i'm trying to find a chore to do, but there aren't any left really! we (me and hannah) have to do a chore everyday, but i kinda ran out of them, so now what do i do?! well there's always weeding :-/ but that sucks!!
k i just watched the weirdest amine ever. i did it for ham, because i promised him i would. but man that was so weird!! there's no other way to discribe it. other thatn random! giant robots came out if this boy's head, and had an epic battle on a bridge, untill a crazy vespa girl comes riding up at full speed and pulls out her guitar which she revs and it soulds like a chainsaw. then she proceeds to beat the robots with the guitar. so weird!!
Posted by Caroline at 3:00 PM 2 comments
Monday, June 23, 2008
my day from start to finish
6:30- roll out of bed, groggy, and get dressed for early morning cheer practice.
6:45- leave on bike to the track, for cheer
9:38- get back from cheer, tired, gross/smelly, but happy,
11:30- finnaly cleaned up, and ready for the day, with hair nicely straightened. ahhh nice!. go to the library to drop off some books, and go to east to drop off a cheer form.
1:00- get home, vaccume, then go to sam's house to hang out. then we go to my house after a while.
5:45- sam and erica leave after the best fruit roll up war ever. cause see, we have all this old food storage that we were throwing out, and we figured that (well by we i mean me) sence they aren't any use as food anymore, we might as well use them as weapons. it can leave a pretty nasty welt f you slap it just right. so that battle was on. both erica and sam aginst me. of course i still kicked their trash. although i do admit that sam did get one good long one on my leg, and it's still not gone yet. but sam's arm was awesome. it was alternating patches of bright white and red. the white where i got him really really good. hee hee!! but he provoked me, so it's his fault. i did learn from the best, my older sister emily.
6:15- circle party. *yawn* basically i ate food, then gave little kids rides down the drive way on ham's longboard (which btw he's letting me barrow) also on the longboard subject, he's letting me barrow it for a while, but he's scaring me a bit about it... he's like
"ok, sooo, in the first month you have it, be prepaired to hit a rock, and get road rash *here he gestures from his shoulder to his knee* all over you. eventually you'll learn to avoid rocks. oh, and are you good with sprained ankles? because yo'll get one def from this. so ya. have fun!"
wow! sounds like so much fun! but i think i'll be fine, don't worry nghia...probably
9:00- quickly writes this post before mom makes me get into bed.
Posted by Caroline at 9:10 PM 1 comments
Sunday, June 22, 2008
unique nessssssss bwa hahahaha
"oooh yes! i am bored out of my mind and i want to go home. maybe maybe maybe maybe. sumeday someday someday someday"-- that's what ham just said, to himself lol. and ppl think I'M crazy. now he's just playing some melancholy song on the piano, but now it changed to major for like a sec. what's with him. i'll ask him.
"what's with you?"
"huh? what. what do you mean?"
"just answer. it's for my blog."
"i dunno. *still playing so he can't answer really*"
"what's with you?"
"um idk. *making really weird faces*"
"ow! oh and btw carrie'
*not answering*
"carrie!" *wispers*
"one sec!"
"do yo know why i said ow?"
"one sec!"
*hums to himself"
"ok now what?"
"i was punching the piano hahaha. you didn't realize i was doing that? that's why i couldnt answer"
"HAM !! don't hurt my baby!!!!"
"oh my gosh" *reading over my shoulder*
"now what. say something"
*shakes his head and laughs*
i said SAY SOMETHING it's for my blog"
*attacks me* *i beat him*
"k fine i was going to type what i was thinking."
what's that?
"i didn't want to say anything BEACAUSE it's for your blog."
"too late. i'm posting it now."
needless to say, i'm really realy bored. someone save me. ugh. and i'm out of new pian music! what should i do?? and books!!
Posted by Caroline at 6:20 PM 0 comments
Saturday, June 21, 2008
title's are are pointless, and did i even spell 'title' right?? it looks wrong for some reason
so we got out the chain saw again, mom and tom trying to eat away at those five stumps they hacked away at with axes yesterday. haha you should see my sister emily's impression of my mom with the ax hee hee! love you mom. anyway we did that this morning, then (thank heavens) erica txted me to go to her house to practice cheers. we rocked :) didn't we erica? and i feel pretty good because i jogged to erica's house and back. got a little excersize :p haha i worked all those cheetos i ate this morning (basically for my brakfast :p ew i won't do that again) off.
oo have you ever played the game zuma?? it's awesome. just look for it online. it's fun ;)
emily WHAT WERE YOU THINKING???? she turned my dog into a i don't know what!!! but it's hidious!!! she saved all the fur off him!!! now he's a freak show!!! ew ! she was using the buzzer, and when she was doing his neck, the guard came off, so he's got a bald spot on his neck. HE COULD'VE BEEN KILLED!!! no i'll never take him out in public.
Posted by Caroline at 5:29 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 19, 2008
it really kinda sucked... it was ok at first it was ok, but i feel like i'm on a rollercoaster right now... one moment, i'm so happy, then the next, crushed. and not some teen-age mood swing i swear! it's all this one person's fault. well not really. it's mine. for being stupid, and not looking before i jumped. why? why did i do that??
Posted by Caroline at 10:23 PM 7 comments
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Cleaning out the garage
we've been cleaning out the grarage for the last three days (well, mostly mom actually. i hardly did anything.)and now it's finally done! and now we can park the car in there! for the first time in like 3 years. mom blames it on tom for it getting messed up. i think i have to agree with her there. he's the only one who actually goes in there. he thinks he's putting stuff away in a very neat and organized wsay, and that he'll remember where he put it, but in reality he's squirreling it away and once he doesn that, it's almost guarenteed never to be seen by mankind ever again. hm i do kinda feel bad now though. i've been kinda beating up against tom for a while now. but he deserves it, because i spent an hour today curling my hair, and i asked him if he liked it and he said "'s....ooook....". AND he doesn't ever look at my blog. ok anyway back to the garage. i got to do the honors of parking the car in it. that was fun! i didn't hit anything. mom only screamed once lol. but not from me parking the car. se just screamed. and i don't know why.
today my friend sam's little sister is comming over to my house and i'm going to give her a french manicure. she's so cute!! i just love her to death. and she absolutely worships me. she just finished 6th grade.
Posted by Caroline at 2:26 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Sleep over at gabby's and other random stuff
i slept over at gabby's house and she was very adiment on me starying up as late as she would get me to. we watched "the eye" a movie about a girl who gets a cornia transplant and can see dead ppl and how they are going to die. well i thoght it was freaky, but other, less wimpy ppl would've probably thought it lame, as always seems the case. so when we finally went to bed, well atleast when i did, (becasuse gabby stayed up talking to a boy on my phone while i fell asleep) it was close to one. gab didn't actually go to sleep till four! un heard of, from they way my mom has raised. haha that remilds me of how when i had sleep overs at my house she made us go to bd at like ten. psh. anyway but it kinda sucked because we slept outside, and her neighbor as a rooster and it started crowing at six in the morning, about every five seconds. and gabby slept through it all!! but i woke up, and could't go back to sleep. so luckily i was prepaired with a book, so i read for about five hours, till 11, when gabby woke up. hee hee! i just started the book this morning, and i'm already over 200 Pages!!! go me!
ok more stuff, um oh and up at my cabin, gerritt put an egg in the fire too "cook" it, because i told him to, but then he forgot about it, and then we hear this explosion, ("what the crap was that??!!!") and it had exploded. it was sick! and it reeked to high heaven. totally reesty.
Posted by Caroline at 11:33 AM 2 comments
Monday, June 16, 2008
The Cabin Trip
so i'm finally back! yes! technology!! we had lots of fun up there! lol my mom is a bit crazy sometimes though. she tries to get us to do "projects" like dig a trench in hopes that one day we'll have a stream, or hike up the mountian at eight in the morning.
"mom, where are we going?"
"to the medow!! i went there as a kid!"
"when was the last time you went there?"
" well i only went there once"
"wait, i think i remember you telling me about this.
didn't you and all the cousins get lost for hours up here?"
"well....ya, but it's ok now, we won't get lost......."
anyway, the latest crazy "project" is going to home depot, (ahem I did the driving! on the freeway!! yea! go me!) to buy a flipping CHAINSAW!!! she wants to build life size lincon logs and put them together to make a little play cabin for the grand-children. if you've met my mother, CAN YOU IMAGINE HER WEILDING ROARING CHAINSAW?? honestly *shakes head*
so naturally me and hannah tried to talk her out of it.
c: mom we don't NEED a chainsaw!! we don't NEED to do this!! lets just RELAX!"
m: no, i've been thinking about getting an chainsaw for a while now. we need one for emergencies! like if we need to...dig ourselves out!!!!"
c&h: *snort*
m: well not LITERALY
h: what is this?? some kind of midlife crisis!!
anyway through all our very pursuasive talking, we could not hinder her. she was determined, and we got a chainsaw. then she put us all to work, finding dead trees in the woods, loading them into the wagon and hauling them back to the worksite. luckily, gerritt, my brother in law stepped in and did all the chainsaw cutting. and here's the finished product: hm actually i'll have to put up the picture later.
ok so i painted my finger nails like 5 different times, but just one hand lol, and i have myself a ped! it's really cure, and way girly. girlier then it's ever been before! like hot pink, with so many sparkles, it's blinding in the sun. this is worthy of barbie. anyway, i painted my fingers ranbow, then i showed it to tom, and asked him if he liked it. he scrutinized it for a sec, then frowned, and shook his head, turning away. he is so polite. NOT. but i forgive him. he doesn't know any better. OH another story of tom putting his foot in his mouth. so we are driving home from church, and there's this very pregnant woman walking down the sidewalk, and get this he yells out the window "wow! YOU look pregnant." WHAT HE THINKING!!?? luckily we made him go back and apologize. and it turns out that that day was her due date. *shakes head*
ok what else?? um, i learned waterfall by jon schmidt on the piano! and i'm going swimming today at steiner with sam, and anna (his little sis) and one of anna's friends, and my nephew max. it's going to be a blast.
OH and today i rode my bike to east, so see how long it would take me to get there, because i'll have to do that to get to practice in the summer, and i wanted to see one of my friends there. i waaaited forever! but they didn't show! so i decided if i didn't get back home soon, i'd be flayed by mom. then as i'm crossing the intersection i look back there, and they are just getting there! eeeerg!!!! but i just kept on going, so i wouldn't be flayed. *humph*
oh ad i wrote a poem up at the cabin, but it's not that good, and probably doesn't make any sense... i'll post it someother time though, because i have to get cleaning before mom comes inside from cleaning the garage and finds me on the computer.
Posted by Caroline at 12:28 PM 5 comments
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
back by popular demand: CAROLINE'S POINTLESS POSTS! --comming soon
i got an email from my friend veronica the other day, complaining that i don't undate my blog enough. well ok! i'll post mo i promise! i'll try to post a new one every day or every other day. but i'm going to my cabin later today for the rest of the week, till sunday, so THEN i'll start posting alot more
whoa typos galore up there!! oh well, i'm not fixing them, so tough beans. it'll improve your reading skills
Posted by Caroline at 11:28 AM 2 comments
Saturday, June 7, 2008
haha even though me and hannah a usually fighting, really i love her, and would be so lonely without her, and here are some good memories :D
-rollerblading in liberty park-- we need to do that again! with marley!
-remember when we used to play with the figures in the doll house, never with the actual dolls, because we always wished we were animals. not to mention the dolls were butt-ugly
-remember when we used to pretend that we were spice girls? and we both always wanted to be baby spice, and em was always sporty spice
-remember sitting in christine's cherry tree and eating cherries? and i had this special spot, and i got really mad if someone sat there. lol it was like the best spot.
-remember singing at the top of our lungs in the car with dad? grandmas featherbed and thank "heavens" i'm a country boy?
-remember when we first got the nintendo, and yo were always better than me, like waay better, so you went easy on me, becuause i'd whine lol
you're the sweetest sister i could ask for, and i wouldn't trade yuo, no matter how many times i say that i would.
Posted by Caroline at 11:53 AM 6 comments
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
time to shine!
today's day of pointless school:
~there were no classes
~all i did was wander around the halls trying to find something to
do with a handful of other bored people
~but it wasn't a total loss
so we wandered into the band room, (which i've never been in before) so i could play the piano, becuse we were running out of things we could do. well i sat down and started to play "bobo's blues" (THANK YOU HAM!!) on the piano, when the band teacher, who was just in his office doing some grades or something else on the compute, comes out, interested.
He says to me: wow you can really play piano
Me: um ya heh heh
Him: are you in any music classes?
Me: *shakes head*
Him: can you read music?
Me: yes
him: how long have you been playing?
Me: um about seven years
him: want to be in jazz band? usually you have to audition, but i'll take that as your audition
so YEA!! I'M SO EXCITED! wow i can't believe he thought i was that good though! haha and the jazz band is better than regular band, which you don't have to audition for. wow and i don't even know the teacher's name, and i doubt he knows mine. he said if i was in regular band, i'd be playing the xylophone, but in jazz band i could play the piano. :D that is so awesome! so i went and changed my schedual right away. i THINK his name is Mr.Dickenson or something like that. but ya, the old teacher (maybe you remember him?) Mr.Green retired in December.
my brother rj just pointed out a fact that i didn't think of before
*hitting head on keyboard*
,.m rt
Posted by Caroline at 1:41 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
the last few days of school!!
ok so this is a picture i crew! it's not very good, but it looks like erica doesn't it! but it also looks like clelste too. it's SUPPOSED to be celeste, but if you havn't seen her, you'd think it ws erica
no one goes the last few days of school after year book day, but guess what, I HAVE TO GO ugh yup. i get a few extra days of doing nothing. the teachers tell us not to go, because we're not DOING anything in school anymore. there is no roll, no bells, just wandering aimelessly around tryingto find something to do. a total waste of time that i could be using to sleep in!!!
i got my cheer uniform today! an di'm wearing it right now. it's so cute!! i'm excited. The Ruins of Gorlan by John Flanagan
My review
OH so good!!! i havn't read a good fantasy like that in a while and can't wait to read the rest of the series!!
View all my reviews.
anyone who loves fantasy whould read that book!! you'll love the whole seirse (sp??!!)
um ok what else??... i don't know! so bye for now!
Posted by Caroline at 12:53 PM 2 comments