Saturday, June 21, 2008

title's are are pointless, and did i even spell 'title' right?? it looks wrong for some reason

so we got out the chain saw again, mom and tom trying to eat away at those five stumps they hacked away at with axes yesterday. haha you should see my sister emily's impression of my mom with the ax hee hee! love you mom. anyway we did that this morning, then (thank heavens) erica txted me to go to her house to practice cheers. we rocked :) didn't we erica? and i feel pretty good because i jogged to erica's house and back. got a little excersize :p haha i worked all those cheetos i ate this morning (basically for my brakfast :p ew i won't do that again) off.

oo have you ever played the game zuma?? it's awesome. just look for it online. it's fun ;)

emily WHAT WERE YOU THINKING???? she turned my dog into a i don't know what!!! but it's hidious!!! she saved all the fur off him!!! now he's a freak show!!! ew ! she was using the buzzer, and when she was doing his neck, the guard came off, so he's got a bald spot on his neck. HE COULD'VE BEEN KILLED!!! no i'll never take him out in public.