Monday, July 28, 2008

The Trip

ya it turns out it didn't work to send txts to my blog, but oh well, here are some pics from when we went to the narrows down there. for those of you who don't know what the narrows are, let me tell you. it's a place in the sand stone, where a very small stream has carved a very narrow, about 40-50 feet deep channel, and it's fun to squeeze through it. but let me tell you how small this space is. it's not for claustrophobic ppl. I was wearing a baseball cap, and half the time i couldn't turn my head parallel to the rock because my baseball hat wasn't wide enough to fit. that's how tight it is. but is' so fun! it was awesome. oh and it's kinda dark in there...

it was so hot though!! so ya, that was one day's adventure, then the next day we went for a bikeride in a place called snow canyon (???? it never even snows there for pete's sake!!) and it was way hot, but the best part was when i got heat exhaustion. ugh. ya i didn't have any water before we left, (but we did bring alot of water) and the over 100 degree weather just got to me, and i felt way sick, but after i had some water i felt better. but that's not all, when we were riding back, i was in front, and ty, my step brother, was right behind me, but i didn't know this, and i turned off the path to go to the car, but ty wasn't turning, so we kinda colided, and got a little road rash on my knee, but it's all good. here's what so-called snow canyon looks like.

oh and me met the halo guy, or rather, we found a his helmat, and put it on ham...


vern said...

carrie you can't see that pictures's!!!!! im protesting you shoudl send them to my e-mail! unlessst hats to much effort you ahahaha jk hey me and camel can hang out next anytime after 12 we need to do something!