Friday, May 30, 2008

ew that is the sickest thing i ever saw? what is with this week and gore??

ok so disecting a frog wasn't enough guts for me this week, i get a double dose, watching a fab movie in driver's ed called "red asphalt III". ya the name says it all. it was so sick! we saw people's brains and blood spattered all over the ground, and the people who had to pick it up, and the rest of the body, with chuncks missing out of the skull as the pulled it, mangled, out of the crash. ew that is o sick! i'm always going to wear my seatbelt now. there was so much blood...

finals! they are over (except one) i stayed up late last night finishing it all, but in the end i got it done! but for a price...:-s i feel asleep during my goemetry final i kinda guessed on the last bunch of questions...yaaa, we'll see how that turns out...

also i was SUPPOSED to get my cheer uniform today!!! but they LIED! it's not here yet!!! uuurgh!!!

also i feel kinda bad today...well i was a bit harsh to my guy friend, but i would've chickened out and not talked to him about something, but then i made the mistake (but was it really bad that i did?) of telling erica what it was about, so sence i was too shy and chickened out basically of talking to him, erica marched right up and told him everything, while i jsut stood there looking like an idiot. then he didn't even hug me today! so i hope he isnt mad at me..... i'm sorry to him, if he reads this!

ok did that last paragraph make any sense? i hope so, but i'm not changing it to make it more understandable, so tough beans


this friend is a bit crazy, sometimes. but they are a lifesaver. always "helping" me with my home work. but we both "help" eachother, almost trading off on who helps who. we always have something to talk about, and it usually ends up to be one single thing! but whatever they think, i don't get tired about talking about it. they are my voice, when i'm too shy to actually speak up and do stuff. i'll say it again: they are a lifesaver. what would i do without them?


Anonymous said...
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Hannah said...

*snort* who the heck had their comment removed?! that's great. by the way, i think you are a TAD bias about the hugging thing.