Friday, April 18, 2008

Am i really that girly?

i was told by a friend, who shall remain nameless, that they thought i was a girly girly girly girly girl. is that true? i didn't think i was THAT girly. i thought i was i?

OK so i really like this band, my friend showed me. i admit i was skeptical at first, knowing what ELSE this friend of mine listens to, but i fut on a brave face, listened to it, and found out, I LOVE IT! em, you would really like this band. go to my playlist, and i think it's the last few songs, by we the kings. my favorite is "check yes juilet"

um lets see....what else.... well i am sitting here with my cute, old g ma (grandma) and i found a really good way to keep her happy. i just keep giving her books of rememberances (aka scrap books). she loves it! haha aw she is so sweet, always smiling. dang i wish so bad that tom would let me use the camera!!!! stupid tom JK TOM I LOVE YOU (*voices in my head* psh, like he even reads my blog *me* shut up you)

i can almost do a flip on the tramp! only problem is that i keep landing on my bum, instead of my feet, haha so if anyone knows how to do a flip properly, could you please help me? anywho...untill next time!!! :D


Anonymous said...

Haha, i wonder who this nameless someone could be..... ~_~