Saturday, April 19, 2008

a weird picture i made on paint a really long time ago haha

haha isn't this great? when i saved it i actually named it "magical princess garden" haha nice huh? i bet you're jealous of my artistic skills. when i drew this, i was going to put all my friends in it as princesses. but i stopped after putting me and abbie in lol. oh and the unicorn. there has to be a unicorn. i mean it IS mgaical afterall. notice the detail of the blueberry bushes, and pink flowers. i spent FOREVER on this picture. seriously. every detail, every bead, every leaf of the tree. lol fine not every leaf, but pretty much.

ah good old mom. haha she won't say, but she thinks my hair is shot now. she thinks i cut six inches off. she was flipping out when she was showing em. when i asked em if she liked it, my mom said in a very annoyed voice. "here! let me show you. turn around caroline! see look at this!! here hair used to be down to here, [she uses her fingers to measure, and it's only four inches, and she's annoyed that it's not that much] it's SIX INCHES six inches!!!" haha but we love her


Emily said...

Ummmmmm.....the picture is....interesting. I hope you didn't waste too much of your life creating it. :)
Good old Mom. I guess she feels she has to live vicariously through us girls that can easily grow long hair. She'll just never understand. *sigh* jk - lol

Hannah said...

YOU SUCK AT SPELLING! AHHH IT'S DRIVING ME NUTS HERE! oh and stop saying 'haha'. it's really getting on my nerves because you really arn't laughing and that's what NGHIA says -- NOT YOU!

Caroline said...

haha it's funny that you shoudl say that